Welcome to my Visuals Portfolio!

In this portfolio i will go over 2 main parts of my visual work the album cover and the visualisers

Album cover


Visualisers are a very time consuming yet extremely fulfilling part of my creative process. We live in a digital world of stimulation and if you cant stimulate people well enough they won't consume your art work.

I was origanally inspired by this peice of work The Greatest Slide Show ever that i spoke about on my art board page, this inspired me to use Gif Cities (also talked about on my art board) to create a scratch power point presentaion.

This idea number one wasnt truely the vibe of the project and although was fun and intresting to look at, it just wasnt fitting with my artistic vision of the project that is why i then changed my process

In high school i had this one IT teacher who was always down to create he spent so much time coding graphics from java just for fun (shout out Mr Hill) he introduced me and one of my bestfriends to a programme called processing. Proccessing is a langauge and engine that is optimised for art creation. On the examples page i found a sketch that i really like and i adapted Processing cubes i really liked this look of the rotating cubes and it is a very good repressentation of my music

These are screen shots of all of my favourite gifs i found on gif cities