Welcome to my Artboard!

This is my art board, first i will show some of my insperation and mood board and later on i will fill it out with the art i created too!

I really like strange shapes and colour contrast you can easy see this in my collection above. Another aspect i really like is organic but very obviously synisised art works the firstand second are great displays of this. The first is a growing mass with a strange highlight colour and an egg like orb in the centre of the structure. The second has a pink and blue that sit uncomftably yet pleasingly together, it also fills another of my thematic obsestions which is eyes. I think eyes aren't just cool in there function of letting us see the world around us! but metaphoricaly they are a great symbol of observation, of judgment and of apretation. eyes impact and the many meanings makes them extremely intresting to me

This is an art piece created by a musicain and artist called isaac, the visuals have inspired me incedibly, but primarily the media used to create such an intresting and complex array of visuals being microsoft powerpoint is the most inspiring thing about this video. The fact that such delicate and dence art can be made with a software created for presentations is so powerful ;) joking aside the creativity and pashonce it takes to create something like that and for it to not get the recognition it deserves makes me sad so its super important to me that i can share it at any oppertunity

Gif Cities

Gif cities is a reliac of its time, it is slow low quality and filled with garbage despite this it is aboslutly amazing, it has a plethira of gifs most of which useless but there are great ones hidden away as long as you scroll for long enough and use the right search terms




My musical world is created around pure vibe everything i make must pass my vibe check. My vibe check has been fully informed by an album called "None of this is real" by DJ Roswell.